# Restrict Create User

It is possible to disable the web create-user form in order to restrict who can login via simple-auth. Once disabled, the only way to create-user manually will be via manual intervention (the CLI).

# Disabling Web Create User

To disable create-user, set providers.settings.createaccountenabled to false. This will disable the links, web-flow, and APIs to create a user in simple-auth.

# Creating User on CLI

# Binary

To create a user, run adduser from the CLI. It will read any configuration the same way simple-auth does, and create the user in the database.

./simple-auth-cli adduser "Firstname lastname" "email@example.com" "username"


The password will be prompted for, or can be provided as the last argument after the username.

# Docker

docker exec -it <container-id> ./simple-auth-cli adduser "Firstname lastname" "email@example.com" "username"


The password will be prompted for, or can be provided as the last argument after the username.