Simple Auth API API Reference

The simple auth API

API Endpoint
Terms of Service:
Version: 1.0







Get Account

GET /account

Get details about account

400 Bad Request

Bad Request

401 Unauthorized

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "auth": {
    "local": {
      "requireOldPassword": "boolean",
      "twofactor": "boolean",
      "twofactorallowed": "boolean",
      "username": "string"
    "oidc": [
        "icon": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "provider": "string",
        "subject": "string"
  "created": "string",
  "email": "",
  "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "name": "John Smith"
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"

Create Account

POST /account

Create a new account object

Create request

createSession: boolean
in query

Attempts to create a session on successful login

Request Content-Types: application/json
Request Example
  "email": "string",
  "password": "string (password)",
  "username": "string"
400 Bad Request

Bad Request

401 Unauthorized

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "createdSession": "boolean",
  "hasStipulations": "boolean",
  "id": "string"
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"

Get Account Audit

GET /account/audit

Get account audit trail

offset: number
in query

Offset of record to fetch

limit: number
in query

Limit of records to fetch, default 10

400 Bad Request

Bad Request

401 Unauthorized

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "records": [
      "level": "string",
      "message": "string",
      "module": "string",
      "ts": "string"
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"

Check username is in use

POST /account/check

Check if username is already in use

Request Content-Types: application/json
Request Example
  "username": "string"
400 Bad Request

Bad Request

401 Unauthorized

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "exists": "boolean",
  "username": "string"
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"


Get tokens

GET /auth/oauth2/client

Get tokens associated with account

400 Bad Request

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "tokens": [
      "client_id": "string",
      "client_name": "string",
      "created": "string",
      "expires": "string",
      "short_token": "string",
      "type": "string"
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"

Client Info

GET /auth/oauth2/client/{client_id}

Gets information about oauth2 client

client_id: string
in path

OAuth2 Client ID

404 Not Found

Not Found

500 Internal Server Error

Not Found

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "author": "string",
  "author_url": "string",
  "name": "string"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "string",
  "error_description": "string"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "string",
  "error_description": "string"

Authentication Grant Code

POST /auth/oauth2/grant

Called by UI to authorized a grant token. MUST pass CSRF

Request Content-Types: application/json
Request Example
  "auto": "boolean",
  "client_id": "string",
  "redirect_uri": "string",
  "response_type": "string",
  "scope": "string",
  "state": "string"
400 Bad Request

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "code": "string",
  "state": "string"
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "string",
  "error_description": "string"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "string",
  "error_description": "string"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "string",
  "error_description": "string"

Grant Token

POST /auth/oauth2/token

Grants a token given a various grant_type

Request Content-Types: application/json
Request Example
  "client_id": "string",
  "client_secret": "string",
  "code": "string",
  "grant_type": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "redirect_uri": "string",
  "refresh_token": "string",
  "scope": "string",
  "totp": "string",
  "username": "string"
400 Bad Request

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "access_token": "string",
  "expires_in": "integer",
  "id_token": "string",
  "refresh_token": "string",
  "scope": "string",
  "token_type": "string"
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "string",
  "error_description": "string"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "string",
  "error_description": "string"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "string",
  "error_description": "string"

Revoke Token

DELETE /auth/oauth2/token

Revoke tokens for a given client_id

client_id: string
in query

Client ID to revoke

token: string
in query

Optional specific token to revoke

400 Bad Request

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Example (200 OK)
  "tokens": [
      "client_id": "string",
      "client_name": "string",
      "created": "string",
      "expires": "string",
      "short_token": "string",
      "type": "string"
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"

Introspect Token

POST /auth/oauth2/token_info

Get information about an OAuth2 token

Request Content-Types: application/json
Request Example
  "token": "string"
400 Bad Request

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "active": "boolean",
  "aud": "string",
  "client_id": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "exp": "integer",
  "iat": "integer",
  "iss": "string",
  "scope": "string",
  "sub": "string",
  "token_type": "string",
  "username": "string"
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "string",
  "error_description": "string"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "string",
  "error_description": "string"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "string",
  "error_description": "string"


POST /auth/simple

Authenticate username and password. 200 on success, otherwise 403

Request Content-Types: application/json
Request Example
  "password": "string",
  "totp": "string",
  "username": "string"
400 Bad Request

Bad Request

401 Unauthorized

Bad Request

403 Forbidden

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "id": "string",
  "username": "string"
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (403 Forbidden)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"


GET /auth/vouch

A vouch endpoint that checks if the user is logged in via cookie. Intended to be used as auth_request in nginx for forwardauth in traefik

forward: boolean
in query

If true, will forward to login with a 307 rather than return a 401

continue: string
in query

Will override X-Forward headers to set the continue URL. Must follow allowedContinueURL settings


307 Temporary Redirect

Temporary Redirect

401 Unauthorized

Temporary Redirect

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "success": true
Response Example (307 Temporary Redirect)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"


OneTime Authenticate

GET /auth/onetime

Login via onetime token and create session

token: string
in query

OneTime token to authenticate against

302 Found


400 Bad Request

Bad Request

401 Unauthorized

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Example (302 Found)
  "success": true
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"

Create OneTime

POST /auth/onetime

Creates a new onetime token for an email

Request Content-Types: application/json
Request Example
  "email": ""


400 Bad Request

Bad Request

401 Unauthorized

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "success": true
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"

Session Login

POST /auth/session

Login to a session with username and password, and set cookie

Request Content-Types: application/json
Request Example
  "password": "string",
  "totp": "string",
  "username": "string"


400 Bad Request

Bad Request

401 Unauthorized

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "success": true
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"

Session Logout

DELETE /auth/session

Logout session (clear cookie)


400 Bad Request

Bad Request

401 Unauthorized

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "success": true
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"


Get Local Auth

GET /local

Get details about local authentication

400 Bad Request

Bad Request

401 Unauthorized

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "requireOldPassword": "boolean",
  "twofactor": "boolean",
  "twofactorallowed": "boolean",
  "username": "string"
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"

Get2FA Secret

GET /local/2fa

Creates a new 2fa secret to use for next steps

400 Bad Request

Bad Request

401 Unauthorized

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "secret": "string"
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"

Setup 2FA

POST /local/2fa

Activates 2FA

Request Content-Types: application/json
Request Example
  "code": "string",
  "secret": "string (password)"


400 Bad Request

Bad Request

401 Unauthorized

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "success": true
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"

Deactivate 2FA

DELETE /local/2fa

Deactivate 2FA

code: string
in query

Code to check against before deactivating


400 Bad Request

Bad Request

401 Unauthorized

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "success": true
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"

Get2FA Secret

GET /local/2fa/qrcode

Gets qrcode to display to user

secret: string
in query

Secret to generate qrcode for

200 OK
400 Bad Request

Bad Request

401 Unauthorized

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: image/png
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"

Change Password

POST /local/password

Change password for local auth

Change password request

Request Content-Types: application/json
Request Example
  "newpassword": "string",
  "oldpassword": "string"
400 Bad Request

Bad Request

401 Unauthorized

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "requireOldPassword": "boolean",
  "twofactor": "boolean",
  "twofactorallowed": "boolean",
  "username": "string"
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"


Satisfy Stipulation

POST /stipulation

Satisfy a stipulation on an account

Token Stipulation

Request Content-Types: application/json
Request Example
  "account": "string",
  "token": "string"


400 Bad Request

Bad Request

401 Unauthorized

Bad Request

404 Not Found

Bad Request

500 Internal Server Error

Bad Request

Response Content-Types: application/json
Response Example (200 OK)
  "success": true
Response Example (400 Bad Request)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (401 Unauthorized)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (404 Not Found)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"
Response Example (500 Internal Server Error)
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"

Schema Definitions

auth.authorizedGrantRequest: object

auto: boolean

If it's an auto-grant request

client_id: string
redirect_uri: string
response_type: string
scope: string
state: string
  "auto": "boolean",
  "client_id": "string",
  "redirect_uri": "string",
  "response_type": "string",
  "scope": "string",
  "state": "string"

auth.authorizedGrantResponse: object

code: string
state: string
  "code": "string",
  "state": "string"

auth.grantTokenRequest: object

client_id: string


client_secret: string
code: string

grantType == authorization_code

grant_type: string
password: string
redirect_uri: string
refresh_token: string

grantType == "refresh_token"

scope: string
totp: string
username: string

grantType == "password"

  "client_id": "string",
  "client_secret": "string",
  "code": "string",
  "grant_type": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "redirect_uri": "string",
  "refresh_token": "string",
  "scope": "string",
  "totp": "string",
  "username": "string"

auth.grantTokenResponse: object

access_token: string
expires_in: integer

Seconds access token expires in

id_token: string
refresh_token: string
scope: string
token_type: string
  "access_token": "string",
  "expires_in": "integer",
  "id_token": "string",
  "refresh_token": "string",
  "scope": "string",
  "token_type": "string"

auth.oauth2ClientResponse: object

author: string
author_url: string
name: string
  "author": "string",
  "author_url": "string",
  "name": "string"

auth.oauth2Error: object

error: string
error_description: string
  "error": "string",
  "error_description": "string"

auth.oauth2GetTokenResponseToken: object

client_id: string
client_name: string
created: string
expires: string
short_token: string

A short/obfuscated version of the full token for identification purposes

type: string
  "client_id": "string",
  "client_name": "string",
  "created": "string",
  "expires": "string",
  "short_token": "string",
  "type": "string"

auth.oauth2GetTokensResponse: object

  "tokens": [
      "client_id": "string",
      "client_name": "string",
      "created": "string",
      "expires": "string",
      "short_token": "string",
      "type": "string"

auth.oauth2TokenIntrospectRequest: object

token: string
  "token": "string"

auth.oauth2TokenIntrospectResponse: object

active: boolean

OAuth2 fields

aud: string
client_id: string
email: string

Custom fields

exp: integer

Unix timestamp expiration

iat: integer

JWT extension fields

iss: string
scope: string
sub: string
token_type: string
username: string

Username, if has 'username' scope

  "active": "boolean",
  "aud": "string",
  "client_id": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "exp": "integer",
  "iat": "integer",
  "iss": "string",
  "scope": "string",
  "sub": "string",
  "token_type": "string",
  "username": "string"

auth.simpleAuthRequest: object

password: string
totp: string
username: string

Username or email

  "password": "string",
  "totp": "string",
  "username": "string"

auth.simpleAuthResponse: object

id: string

Account ID

username: string

Username of the account

  "id": "string",
  "username": "string"

common.ErrorResponse: object

error: boolean true
message: string
reason: string
  "error": "boolean",
  "message": "A human-readable message",
  "reason": "machine-code"

common.OKResponse: object

success: boolean
  "success": true

v1.changePasswordRequest: object

newpassword: string
oldpassword: string

Not required if source is one-time (eg reset link)

  "newpassword": "string",
  "oldpassword": "string"

v1.checkUsernameRequest: object

username: string
  "username": "string"

v1.checkUsernameResponse: object

exists: boolean
username: string
  "exists": "boolean",
  "username": "string"

v1.createAccountRequest: object

email: string
password: string (password)
username: string
  "email": "string",
  "password": "string (password)",
  "username": "string"

v1.createAccountResponse: object

createdSession: boolean

Did create session

hasStipulations: boolean

Upon success creating, whether or not account needs email

id: string

ID of the created user

  "createdSession": "boolean",
  "hasStipulations": "boolean",
  "id": "string"

v1.getAccountAuditRecordResponse: object

level: string
message: string
module: string
ts: string
  "level": "string",
  "message": "string",
  "module": "string",
  "ts": "string"

v1.getAccountAuditResponse: object

  "records": [
      "level": "string",
      "message": "string",
      "module": "string",
      "ts": "string"

v1.getAccountAuthProviderResponse: object

  "local": {
    "requireOldPassword": "boolean",
    "twofactor": "boolean",
    "twofactorallowed": "boolean",
    "username": "string"
  "oidc": [
      "icon": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "provider": "string",
      "subject": "string"

v1.getAccountOIDCAuthResponse: object

icon: string
name: string
provider: string
subject: string
  "icon": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "provider": "string",
  "subject": "string"

v1.getAccountResponse: object

auth: v1.getAccountAuthProviderResponse
created: string
email: string
id: string
name: string
  "auth": {
    "local": {
      "requireOldPassword": "boolean",
      "twofactor": "boolean",
      "twofactorallowed": "boolean",
      "username": "string"
    "oidc": [
        "icon": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "provider": "string",
        "subject": "string"
  "created": "string",
  "email": "",
  "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "name": "John Smith"

v1.getLocalLoginResponse: object

requireOldPassword: boolean
twofactor: boolean
twofactorallowed: boolean
username: string
  "requireOldPassword": "boolean",
  "twofactor": "boolean",
  "twofactorallowed": "boolean",
  "username": "string"

v1.loginRequest: object

password: string
totp: string
username: string
  "password": "string",
  "totp": "string",
  "username": "string"

v1.oneTimePostRequest: object

email: string
  "email": ""

v1.tfaActivateRequest: object

code: string
secret: string (password)
  "code": "string",
  "secret": "string (password)"

v1.tfaSetupResponse: object

secret: string
  "secret": "string"

v1.tokenStipulationRequest: object

account: string

If blank, from session

token: string
  "account": "string",
  "token": "string"